5 UGC Lessons From Corndog Wrestling and Llama Limericks

Mar 3, 2015

How Cotopaxi won at content marketing It’s February 21, and I am jumping into a pool of snowmelt beneath a red rock waterfall, just outside Las Vegas. I am fully clothed, and my left hand is clutching an inflatable sleeping pad. After the plunge into the hypothermic tub, I heft myself onto the sleeping pad […]

Success of the “Internet of Things” Depends on Content

Feb 3, 2015

It’s Monday morning in the year 2025, and everything in your inbox is strangely…relevant. The maker of your oven sent over another list of recipes that you would actually make. Your gym emailed a report of your weekly workouts – it turns out that your strength is 20 percent higher over the previous month, but […]

Why ‘Unboxing’ is Darn Good Content Marketing

Jan 23, 2015

A bushy bearded man wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt and a Patriots beanie introduces himself as YoAnty. His plan is to ‘unbox’ a pair of Brooks running shoes for his 71,582 YouTube subscribers. The shoes were a gift from Kaleb, a YoAntyKicks fan who happens to work at Finish Line. As I watched two questions ran […]